Light Graffiti has become very popular. The term is a bit of a misnomer, but the art form involves drawing or writing in the air using lights and then capturing those patterns with a slow shutter speed to turn...
Photography By Ben Shaul
Low light makes photography more difficult. The difference between taking one of your favorite shots ever and a bunch of junk you delete from your point & shoot cameras before getting home is how you deal...
Photography by: Stephen CWH
Panoramic photos create a different perspective that can produce some beautiful photos full of details. Pros advocate a few specific tools to go with your Canon DSLR cameras, including the right camera tripods, good photo editing...
Photography by: Shane Drummond
Low light poses problems for many photographers even with the best DSLR cameras because it leads to a tradeoff between enough light to see the subjects, overexposing the lighter parts of the shot, washing out colors...
Photo By Nathaniel Johnston
Photography is difficult. Good wedding photography is much more so no matter how nice your digital SLR cameras are, and if you are a novice, you will need all these tips, all your focus, and a...