Congratulations, you’ve made it to the end of days! What better way to celebrate than capturing the terrors of the world around you? The infographic below details how to master apocalypse photography and live to tell the tale.
The Rules Have Changed
Loot away, friend. That shiny new mirrorless you’ve had your eye on is ripe for the taking (unless we get there first). That said, don’t be overzealous. Speed and dexterity are now significantly more important in your life.
Necessary Gear
Let’s start with the basics: gear. You’re out in the desolate wasteland of Midtown Manhattan looking for zombies to photograph. What do you need?
- A decent flash
- At least 1 camera body – conditions will vary so focus on camera bodies you’ll feel comfortable using while fleeing from the undead
- 2 zoom lenses – pack a wide-angle zoom (28mm-70mm) and a telephoto (70mm-300mm); a prime lens is out of the question
- We don’t recommend pausing to use filters and hoods unless the shot really calls for it; that said, it doesn’t hurt to have a polarizing, warming, and UV filters, and a lens hood just in case
- 1 lightweight, durable tripod
- 1 camera bag – choose one that’s big enough for your equipment, small enough to run with, and durable enough to withstand slashing, radioactive claws
Be Resourceful!
So, you’re trapped in a basement with a zombie clawing at the door. We’ve all been there. The true test is how you handle the next 30-60 seconds.
Photography equipment isn’t just for taking cool photos of mushroom clouds. A remote flash can be thrown as a flash grenade, used to distract zombies while you escape. Similarly, a tripod is great for bludgeoning zombies that get too close for comfort.
With that in mind, it’s time to fling open that basement door, garrote the zombie with your camera bag’s strap, and be on your merry way.
Additional Tips
“Anything For The Shot”
There’s an old photography adage that you should do “anything for the shot.” In apocalypse photography, that is no longer true. This isn’t nature photography, people. Zombies are bloodthirsty, mindless monsters. Get in, get out, don’t be a hero.
Buddy System
Remember in preschool and kindergarten when a kindly teacher would pair you with your “line buddy”? You’d hold hands on the trip from recess to the classroom and share fruit snacks when the teacher wasn’t looking? The same system applies here except the buddy system will prevent you from getting eaten alive.
Two sets of eyes are better than one. In fact, two sets of eyes will help you keep all four safely in their respective sockets.
Use Your Time Wisely
Advice for life: timing is everything. This is never truer than when your buddy gets bitten by a member of the undead coalition and you need to get one more group photo in before lopping off their head.
Flash Alarms
Setting up a sensor and a flash outside of your zombie-proof fort can act as an alarm system for approaching threats. If you’re really lucky, you can get your hands on a few Cuddeback cameras—those puppies can communicate with each other for miles.
Keep Your Distance
As mentioned above, using a telephoto lens will allow you to capture crisp images of distant undead activity without your brain being bitten out of your lil head.
Double Tap
If Zombieland taught us anything it is to always double tap. Kill zombies twice and save your photos twice. It is always best to double tap.