It’s never been easier to communicate online. Advanced computer processors and high speed internet have made video communication commonplace, at home and in the workplace. However, while most PC and Mac computers come with powerful built-in cameras, the onboard...
Last week Fujifilm announced the newest addition to their GFX line of mirrorless cameras, the GFX100S. At first glance, it appears to be a more compact version of the powerful yet portly, GFX100. Both models use the same image...
The Sony a7 III is a fantastic full-frame camera. When paired with an equally impressive lens, the camera can deliver truly stunning visuals. Below we’ve compiled a list of the 5 best lenses for the Sony a7 III.  The lenses...
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s never been more important to have a reliable outdoor speaker. We’re all spending more time outside, whether exercising, outdoor dining, or socially-distant socializing. Thankfully, innovations in wireless connectivity and weather sealing...
Fujifilm is known for making fantastic film cameras, and their Instax line of instant cameras are incredibly popular. In 2020, they released 2 new instant cameras: the Instax Mini 11 and the Instax SQ1. Both cameras are stylish and...
As smartphone cameras have become more powerful, new accessories and equipment have been developed to match. A smartphone gimbal enables you to capture smooth, stable video, even when walking or moving your phone. While the best gimbal for your...
Data storage is a contentious topic, and critical to a successful project workflow.  If you’re planning to use an external drive, there’s an important decision you have to make. Do you want an SSD or HDD? Hard disk drives...
For many people, the holiday season is a time for gift giving. It’s an act that transcends religion, ethnicity, and culture, and allows you to show love or appreciation for a person in your life. Of course, finding the...
Vlogging has steadily increased in popularity over the past 10 years.  In response, camera manufacturers have started releasing cameras specifically targeted at vloggers. In order to help out aspiring content creators, we’ve compiled a list of the best vlogging...
According to Focusrite, their Scarlett range of audio interfaces has helped produce more records than any other range of interfaces in history. However, Focusrite also manufactures another line of USB interfaces. The Clarett range includes 3 interface models and...