What is the difference between a cold shoe vs. hot shoe mount? They may look the same and sound similar, but the distinction is day and night, or better yet, hot and cold. Not understanding the difference isn’t the...
Admit it: you love instant photography. You love the nostalgia and the analog quality. You might even love scrapbooking – we won’t judge! But instant film isn’t exactly like digital or even regular film, so you might need some...
It’s no secret that better product photography translates to better sales. Customers interpret photographs as representations of overall product quality and brand reputability. However, hiring product photographers is expensive. If you already own the gear, learning to shoot better...
You did it! You booked a wedding! The hard part’s over, right? Wrong. Just because you know how to photograph, doesn’t mean you know how to make it big as a wedding photographer. There’s plenty to account for, and...
Once you’ve sorted through digital SLR kits and found the right rig for you, you might start eyeing camera tripods and thinking about long exposures, or even more exotic, the majesty of time-lapse photography. Follow these beginner tips to...
What Is Macro Photography? Macro photography is the practice of taking extreme close-up images, usually of a subject that fills the entire frame. It’s often very nature-centric (bugs, flowers, water droplets, etc.) but can also be an asset in product...
Love it or hate it, Instagram is a huge boon for professional and hobbyist photographers alike. Many use Instagram as a portfolio, marketing tool, and more. Instagram accounts with large followings can garner industry recognition, and even influencer campaigns from major...
What makes a great photo? Given the subjective nature of art, that can be hard to say. However, there are some notable similarities in the composition of the most renowned visual artworks. We’ve compiled 10 of the most popular composition techniques used in art and photography to create visually appealing scenes....
Manhattanhenge, a captivating spectacle that occurs in the heart of New York City, is a natural phenomenon that attracts locals and tourists alike. Twice a year, the setting sun aligns perfectly with Manhattan's street grid, creating a breathtaking display...
Balance in photography is a crucial principle of good composition. A photograph has balance when different areas of the frame equally draw the viewer's eye. This happens when objects, colors, or the sides of the image have the same...